Expert Evaluations

Dr. Randy Schulman (Biscayne Chiropractic Center) performs evaluation services at the request of insurance carriers, defense attorneys, plaintiffs attorneys and third party companies. These services include:
Independent Medical Examination (IME)
Review of Records
Utilization Review
Expert Testimony

Dr. Schulman has been performing exams and reviews since 2003. He performs these exams and reviews for over seven different third party companies as well as insurance companies and attorneys.

Using his services can assist in addressing pre-existing conditions and treatment necessity, causation, and reasonable care. The intensity, type, frequency and duration of care are major concerns. Reviews and independent medical examinations can assist in determining whether the claimant has obtained maximum medical improvement or maximum therapeutic benefit.

Dr. Schulman maintains wonderful relationships with attorneys. He is well respected in the medical-legal community as a chiropractic expert who is competent, objective, reliable and reasonable.

Dr. Randy Schulman has the experience and expertise to address the common issues faced by insurance carriers.

To discuss our evaluation services, fee schedule or to schedule an Independent Medical Examination, please give us a call at (305) 949-5545.